Sunday, May 2, 2010

Air-con Maintenance

As the adage go “Prevention is better that cure” this may also apply to air-conditioner. Regular maintenance of any appliances like air-conditioner may save us hundred or even thousands of dollars yearly. Common cure or maintenance of air-conditioners are listed below that most of them is “Do It YourSelf”

  1. Filters – cleaning and replacing filter may extend air-conditioners life for another months or years and it also save 10% of its operating cost.

  2. Indoor coils – coils should always be clean. Blockage of from it will result to poor performance.

  3. Outdoor coils – this is prone to dust. Outside is most of the time dirtier than inside making this part prone to blockage.

  4. Blower – so this blows the conditioned air out of the unit, without it air-conditioner is useless. Its operation is simple like an electric fan. Greasing/lubricating most of the time will do it.

  5. Regular check of professional – do it once a year.

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